Do you trust your Creativity?
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Creativity has been described by the World Economic Forum as one of the core competencies for 2020. However, we are not yet ready for that future.
To fully enjoy our creative potential, we need to build our CREATIVE TRUST. This confidence is connected to our ability to imagine, explore and understand the world around us, which will allow us to develop the skills and abilities necessary to adapt to this new reality. Creativity is crucial for economic, scientific, social, artistic, and cultural advancement, and stimulate it will prepare us to solve problems that have not even emerged yet.
Education plays an essential role in building this future. Most young people have a desire to do something that has meaning and be challenging, but the reality is that most schools and universities do not encourage them to be creative and innovative.
It was the same when I was in school. I felt out of place. What I had to learn made no sense to me; I had distinct interests and curiosities, besides my way of thinking and expressing myself that did not fit what was expected and demanded. After finish school, I did not feel ready to face the “outside world”, as they used to say.
But one day, everything changed. When I first met Creativity, it was love at first sight. It was like finding the lost piece of the puzzle. Everything start makes sense, and now I devote myself to study it. But one question remains in my head:
Do other people feel as I did?
This question followed me to the Master’s degree, where I decided to find out how higher education students feel about stimulating creativity and develop the creative potential in the classroom. The results were clear: they have a lot of insecurities, especially with risk-taking, fundamental to creativity and innovation. In addition, lack of trust can lead them to not fully exploit their creative potential, resulting in professionals unable to innovate and think creatively and therefore unprepared for the future that awaits them.
Stimulate creativity gives room for the individual to build trust. This confidence comes from being part of a culture or a group with a common set of beliefs and values that are maintained when it is actively and collaboratively managed.
Encourage and motivate people to be creative is the best strategy to prepare them for a bright future.